8 Ways to Say Yes

8 Ways to Say Yes

1. Saying Yes by Saying No

How do you say yes by saying no?

Easy, you just say no. You change the perception of a situation by saying no. The reason you said no is to say yes to something else.

Saying no leads to one door being closed and another to be opened. doorpicWithout saying no, you cannot create a relationship between yes moments. Simply, no can equal yes.

As an example, if you are a fashion designer. Saying no to launching a clothing line in the spring leaves you the opportunity to say yes for a fall release.

2. Saying Yes by Saying Yes

The easy way to say yes is by saying yes. Putting no thought into a situation by just saying yes. Answering quickly with a yes leads to a speedy resolution.

What is the resolution?

You resolved the issue between yes and no.  You created an easy way to mitigate past a current conundrum.

As an example, your significant other asks you, “Do you like my outfit?” Saying yes alleviates any room for contention in this scenario.

3. Saying Yes by Saying Maybe

Being able to yes by saying maybe is difficult. Saying maybe as answer to a question leads to many variables coming into play. You have to begin to weigh the effects of yes and no.

If you say yes, what happens? If you say no, what happens? If you do not choose the right choice, what happens?

Weighing the effects of each answer leads to a process of careful determination. You have to determine what advantages you have with each choice.

Saying maybe creates the best choice. You are saying yes without saying yes. You are leaving the circumstances to say yes for you.

For example, if someone asks you, “Are you going to win the lottery jackpot?” Answering maybe leaves room for an eventual yes or no.

4. Saying Yes Passively

A passive yes is created by the result of an action.

No yes is needed to be said. As an example,  I bring $1000 to buy a $1000 used car; me handing over the money is an understood yes in buying the vehicle.

Allowing yes to be said passively is a great approach.

5. Saying Yes with Stipulations 

Another way to say yes is by saying yes with stipulations.

If I say yes, a, b, and c need to be in place before I say yes. Certain criteria has to be met to get a yes.  A yes is not implied automatically in this type of yes.

Unlike the other forms of yes, a plan has to be in place to secure a yes response. Saying yes to buying a burger with fries means it has to come with fries. Without a side of fries, I will not say yes to the order.burgerpic6. Saying Yes Using Your Heart 

Emotions play a huge part in all of our lives. Different kinds of emotions lead to various forms of responses.

The use of our heart or emotions to say yes leads to a very different outlook.

Instead of saying yes because of concrete reasons, we use our heart to yes based on abstract reasons. A marriage proposal is the perfect way to express this type of yes. The reason someone says yes to marriage is due to an emotional connection.

It is hard to quantify the reasoning behind an emotional yes. In this yes case, you have to just go with feelings over statistics.

7. Saying Yes Using Facts

This kind of yes weighs the facts to conclude a yes.

A scientific approach is used when using this type of yes. All the variables are weighed to determine the appropriate use of yes. Calculations are made to assure that yes is the proper answer.

Shopping for a new car is a great example for using this type of yes. You first have to know your price range; then, you have to determine what features, body style, and color you desire. Zeroing in on the perfect car takes all these variables in account to formulate a yes.carlotpicThis can be considered the best type of yes. Due to the fact, the most thought went into the procurement of the yes.

8. Saying Yes Through Necessity

You have to say yes through necessity. Although you may have objections, you are required to say yes.

As an example, I had to say yes to being homeless because I did not have a home. I had to say yes to living at a shelter to keep a roof over my head. I had to say yes to losing privacy. I had to say yes to being shunned by society.

Through the necessity yes, you gain the vigor to change your circumstances. Never let your decision to say yes out of requirement change your future yes moments.

The Benefits of Yes

Now that you know the different types of yes answers, you can evaluate each situation to pick which answer best helps you.

When evaluating your situation, use these question to aid you:

  • Which yes will allow me to have a speedy resolution?
  • Which yes will benefit me the most?
  • Which yes will damage me the most?
  • What are the consequences of each yes?
  • Who am I saying yes for?
  • Why am I saying yes?










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